Lancashire Break Time
Short Break Activities
Funded activities and places for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) who meet the criteria to attend and who do not receive short breaks following a social care assessment of need.
★Proud to support the Lancashire County Council (LCC) Break Time Programme★
Who's Eligible?
Children or young people who's registered for LCC Break Time. This programme is for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities meaning they are unable to access universal services and activities; and the parent is in receipt of child benefit for that child or young person.
What We Do?
FUNDA is a Physical Education, Children's Activity & Childcare Provider which aims to EMPOWER Children/Young People to get ACTIVE, learn, have fun & unlock the child's FULL potential.
What's The Cost?
This programme is funded by Lancashire County Council. At our Holiday Camps there is no cost to families, the amount of hours for the day will be deducted from your annual allowance of 78 hours.
What Sessions Can I Book?
You may book as many sessions as you would like. However please remember that you can only claim 78 hours until April 2024. 7 Hours/day will be deducted from your Break Time Hours Balance. E.g. you attend 7 days with FUNDA over the holidays - 49 hours will be deducted.